Click on the photos below for a larger view, then click on "back" for this page to renew!
Fishing boat, Lankawi, Malaysia.
A stalk of rice, Central Java, Indonesia.
Well herded sheep, Western Australia.
Drying fish, Penang, Malaysia.
Bats emerging from a cave
at sunset, Java, Indonesia.
A much younger Raoul
and his comic books.
Capt'n Kurt in "Passion Flower"
with Bruce Boxleitner.
Smoking fish on a bamboo rack,
The Heart of Borneo.
Capt'n Kurt on an early '70's
fishing "assignment" in
Sarawak, North Borneo.
The 'Family', seen on the "Strip" at Wynn's in Las Vegas.
From left: Roben, Mei, Jenn, Raoul and Capt'n Kurt.
Click on Finnegan, our little gourmet fish, and he'll take you back to view more pix!
A few more of the Captains wayfaring pix to make your Gourmet Fisherman's day compleat...
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